Saturday, August 24, 2013

Week 9: Weekly Reflection

Dear Sir/Madam,

Through the ninth week of the training, the following main activities have retained my attention: (I) The week 8 brought us the guest (but let me call him an expert) called Jeff Magoto who introduced ANVILL. We were invited to join Jeff’s webinar on Tuesday at 8:00 am (Pacific Time), but I have to apologize because I missed the discussion. I was invigilating examinations for the second sittings. Anyway I hope to revisit resources for the week 8 to get more insights with regard to the practice of ANVILL.

(II) I have read resources for week 9. These mainly focused on learning styles and technology.

Thanks to articles I have read and others readings from the discussion thread, I have discovered that teachers should know their students’ learning styles and adopt technology accordingly. In fact, I will always remember that “students preferentially take in and process information in different ways” (see:
In addition, I have learnt that depending on students’ styles, provides materials that may be used: video player, television, video tape, computers for students to work on, internet access, digital camera, video camera, scanner, …and I hope to gather most of these materials so that while incorporating technology in my class activities, I match students’ learning styles.
I am glad to learn about the different learning styles our students have, and I am also informed on how I can facilitate and feed most learning styles while teaching my students. Practically, technology can render a great support to meet learners’ different learning styles.
Finally, the following piece of advice has been more inspirational for me, and I would like to share it with people who visit my blog: “Always vary activities in lessons: the more ways you teach a concept, the more students will comprehend”. (Reference:
(III) I have refined, finalized and submitted my plan report. In fact, I first wrote a draft and shared it with my classmate, Pablo Garcia from Argentina, to whom I indebt many thanks for his constructive feedback. He truly has given me expertise in order to submit a reviewed version of my plan. Actually, this is about solving assessment issue using on one hand; and with on the other hand.

To finish up this weekly reflection, allow me to mention that on August 16th, 2013, I completed a short survey about my experience. I have shown how the course was in general, class activities and resources, what I liked best and what suggestions I can put. All in all, congratulations to the University of Oregon and the instructors on having provided me with fruitful online training!!!

All the best,


  1. Hi Sosthene,
    What a colorful post filled with illustrations of every task we have had so far.
    It has been a week full of activities and discussion on some useful topics.
    We finished all successfully our final project and shared with each other ideas and opinions.
    Thank you for all your comments and opinions.
    It has been a wonderful experience.

    Best regards,

    1. You're right, Daniela!

      Thanks for your appreciation!

      We keep in touch looking forward to completing the tenth week.

      Good luck!

